In continuation to the community contribution with knowledge gained out of experience and networking, Mydbops IT Solutions, conducted its 4th Database Meetup on Saturday, 3rd of August, 2019. Here was the first time, that we had changed our venue. With the like-minded sponsor in M/s.Zenefits Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. They played a role of a perfect host for all of us as attendees. Their venue was a perfectly equipped to suit the knowledge sharing exercise.
Key note by Mr.Ramesh Aithal, Head of Engineering at Zenefits was build on statistics, of how the Industry is taking shape and the galore of opportunities in the coming days. The attendees from multiple companies were a great booster for this community meetup.

The presence of knowledge seekers and knowledge providers made this event a great platform for knowledge sharing. 94% of the participants felt that the topics were relevant and useful for their knowledge prowess. On an average, all the speakers have got a “Take-away rate” of 65% which ensured the meetup objectives being achieved. Topic of MongoDb Sharding has got the high retention rate of 70%. Galera 4 has got the second topic with high retention rate at 66%. The topics of ZFS and Galera 4 had the most number of “To-be-known” curiosity topics.
MySQL Topic has got highest number of Questions being clarified. Every Session had good interactive Q&A discussions, among the participants and the speakers. Best Q&A session had been of MongoDb Sharded Cluster, as the speaker displayed his in-depth knowledge on the topic.
The Speakers being :
- Using ZFS files with MySQL – Mr.Bajrang Panigrahi, Zenefits Technologies India Private Ltd.
- MongoDB Sharded Cluster – How to design your Topology – Mr. Vinodh Krishnaswamy, Percona.
- InnoDB scalability improvements in MySQL 8.0 – Mr. Karthik P R, Mydbops IT Solutions
- What is new is Galera 4? – Mr. Aakash Muthuramalingam,Mydbops IT Solutions.

We also had a special invite extended by Ms. Revathi Rangachary of Oracle India for one of their upcoming event. Then the event concluded with a Pizza grab at 01:00 PM. The whole gathering takes lots of pride by singing our National Anthem in one voice as a prelude for our 73rd Independence Day Celebrations. This was an emotional moment for all of the participants.
The speakers were felicitated with mementos and beautiful bouquets by the founders of Mydbops IT Solutions, Mr.Karthik P.R., and Mr.Vinod Khanna at the end of event. Group photo of all the happy and enlightened participants was taken as a tradition continues.
Special thanks to Mr. Vinay, Mr. Ramesh Aithal, Mr. Sagar Birla and Mr. Bajrang of Zenefits Technologies Pvt. Ltd., and Mr. Selva Venkatesh, Mr. Benedict Henry and Mr.Manthiramoorthy (Mandy) of Mydbops IT Solutions. for seamlessly and smoothly organizing the event.
The Next event is tentatively scheduled for October 2019. Follow us on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/7775692/) to know the exact date, time and venue of 5th Mydbops Database Meetup.
Presentations of speakers for your reference :
InnoDB Scalability improvements in MySQL 8.0 from Mydbops
Using ZFS file system with MySQL from Mydbops
What is new in Galera 4 ? from Mydbops
MongoDB sharded cluster. How to design your topology ? from Mydbops

Networking happening during the session break.. “A TRUE SPIRIT OF MEETUP”

Felicitation to all the contributors, including, involved participants.

one’s who took the dais!!!

The Enthusiasts, who made the event, fun and knowledge sharing platform !!!

4th Mydbops Database Meetup : At-a-Glance